Playing dress-up


Before heading out to the bars last night, Josefina insisted that she had a coat I should borrow because it was supposed to be cold. I obliged, and was all the more excited when she presented me with a pink full chinchilla-fur coat, as well as another with fox fur trim in case it rained. But Josefina wasn’t done there.

Next, she starts handing me shoes after shoes after shoes of hers, just to try on for fun until she remembers that she has clothes that don’t fit her anymore. She rummages through a bin as I struggle to keep up, and am soon walking away with more clothes than I even came to Spain with. I cannot even explain how impressed everyone was by the clothes that had just been provided for me by the 71-year-old woman I live with, so I merely had to explain how incredibly fabulous she is.

The incredible Chinchilla Chaqueta…

…and the fox fur

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